D3X Systems LLC has been acquired by Talos Trading Inc.

Please read the press release here...


QuantHub is a systematic investment SaaS platform that uniquely empowers institutional investors to build highly customized portfolios with precision and at incredible scale.

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A Platform Built For Investors

We have combined next-generation technology with 50+ years of experience in the investment management industry to deliver an unrivaled platform, designed for the future of data-driven investing.


Leverage a market leading portfolio optimization engine supporting flexible objectives, all manner of constraints, and fully integrated with the industry gold standard in factor risk models.


Validate complex investment strategies using our high-fidelity simulation environment that replicates a portfolio rebalance in minute detail with powerful interactive web based visualizations.


Seamlessly promote research into live portfolios leveraging our integrated Portfolio Management System (PMS) with out of the box connectivity to external Execution Management Systems.


Promote research into production with speed and precision

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Investment Use Cases

Active Equity Managers

Securely integrate your alphas onto the QuantHub platform and leverage state-of-the-art optimization technology to create innovative portfolios.

Neutralize exposures to style, industry, country, currency and custom factors and control beta exposure to multiple markets. Access detailed performance attribution analytics to understand the key drivers behind active risk and return.  

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Passive Equity Managers

Leverage the QuantHub platform to manage portfolios that efficiently track an underlying index with the ability to minimize tracking error while holding a subset of the positions in the index.

Track industry standard benchmarks from major providers or develop your own custom index using our portfolio optimization technology, providing much finer control than traditional rulebook index construction.

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Factor Investors

Design and manage portfolios with fine-tuned exposures against industry leading factor models in addition to other third-party factors such as those based on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics from leading providers. 

Securely integrate your own custom factor loadings onto the QuantHub platform and apply flexible formulaic constraints against these to tilt the portfolio exposures as desired.

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Asset Allocators

Use QuantHub to manage many bespoke asset allocation portfolios based on low-cost ETF instruments. Control style, industry, country, currency, and custom factor exposures via look-through to the underlying ETF constituents.

Currency hedge asset allocation portfolios to a clients preferred base currency accounting for the currency exposures of the underlying constituents.

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Asset Owners

Leverage the QuantHub platform to collaboratively work with asset management firms to help inform allocation decisions and overall strategy design.

Alternatively, use QuantHub to develop bespoke strategies and manage assets internally at lower cost and with full transparency and control over the mandate.

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Platform Overview

QuantHub empowers asset managers and asset owners to design, validate, and manage highly customized investment strategies with unique risk and return characteristics at incredible scale.

Alpha Model Management

Securely upload and manage your signal level alphas onto the QuantHub platform. Define models that combine signals into a hierarchical structure composed of sensibility buckets with calibration and change management at all levels.

Portfolio Optimization

Leverage our portfolio optimization engine as a service (OaaS) supporting various objectives, all manner of constraints, and fully integrated with industry leading factor risk models. Interface with the optimizer using our unrivaled UI or powerful SDK / API.

Backtest Simulation

Validate sophisticated investment strategies using our high-fidelity simulation environment which replicates a portfolio rebalance in minute detail. Access high resolution performance analytics through the API or via interactive visualizations.

Portfolio Management

Manage live portfolios using our integrated Portfolio Management System (PMS) with an unrivaled web based UX. Support for various Execution Management Systems is out of the box, or leverage our versatile APIs to integrate with your own OMS and EMS.

Risk & Return Attribution

Generate point-in-time and time-series decompositions of risk and return in order to understand strategy performance. Augment industry leading factor risk models with your own custom factors to further decompose portfolio risk and return.

Factor Risk Models

QuantHub supports the gold standard in factor risk models from MSCI BARRA. Control style, industry, country and currency factor exposures in portfolio design. Alternatively, securely and easily integrate your own custom factor risk models onto the platform.

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Custom & Direct Indexing

Next Generation Indexing

We believe the next generation of systematic investment solutions will embrace custom indexing in a way that harnesses characteristics of advanced quantitative finance in the index construction process.

The QuantHub platform is uniquely positioned to support this.

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Custom Indexing

The QuantHub platform enables a manager to create innovative client specific indices through portfolio optimization.  Integrate your view of expected risk and return, while fine tuning all aspects of the resulting exposures using flexible constraints to meet the objectives of the mandate.

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Direct Indexing

Whether an index is custom designed or from a third-party provider, the QuantHub platform makes it easy to track that index in a tax-efficient manner by applying tax loss harvesting at the individual security level throughout the year.

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Datascience Support

Data Management

Securely manage billions of records of time-series data with integrated symbology mapping, automated data quality checks, and powerful data visualization tools.

Open Architecture

Leverage our powerful open APIs to integrate with and extend the core capabilities of the platform to best address the needs of your bespoke investment process.

Comprehensive Python SDK

Using our Python Software Development Kit (SDK), data scientists can interact with the platform programmatically using a toolchain they are intimately familiar with.

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Deployment Flexibility

Multi-Tenant Cloud

  • Shared compute, dedicated database for portfolios, positions and trades.
  • Fully monitored and managed by D3X DevOps with 24/7 Support.
  • Shared security, price and index master ensures many eyes on the same data.
  • Horizontally scalable to ensure the environment can easily handle demand spikes.
  • Securely integrate your alphas, risk models and ESG scores using your own encryption keys.

Single-Tenant Cloud

  • Dedicated environment within your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  • Fully monitored and managed by D3X DevOps with 24/7 Support.
  • Easily integrate your own security master, prices, fx rates, indexes and other datasets.
  • Scaled to the needs of your organization, with built in elasticity to handle demand spikes.
  • Securely integrate your alphas, risk models and ESG scores using your own encryption keys.


  • Dedicated environment within your own private datacenter or cloud infrastructure.
  • Environment managed by your own DevOps with 24/7 support from D3X Systems.
  • Support for Docker Swarm or Kubernetes Orchestration engines.
  • Scale the environment to the needs of your organization.    

Multi-Cloud Support


Empowering Investors
Through Technology

Collaboration & Transparency

Our platform empowers asset owners and asset managers to collaborate on portfolio designs that deliver unique risk and return characteristics, providing the basis for an unparalleled partnership between managers and allocators.

Technological Parity

The QuantHub platform provides technological parity with the most sophisticated investors globally, enabling clients to focus their finite resources on innovative insights and solutions rather than developing costly infrastructure.

Architectural Elements


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Jonathan Cohen

President & COO

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Wachi Bandara, PhD

Chief Investment Officer

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Jeremy Graveline, PhD

Head of Portfolio Management

QuantHub is a premier portfolio management and research platform, the product of a world-class software engineering team with decades of experience working in asset management. The platform is robust and agile, affording us the ability to tailor the platform to our specific investment process

Luke Squires, CFA

Director of Operations


To Serve As Your Financial Technology Partner

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